Tag: TSP

FERS OPM Medical Retirement: Learning For A Lifetime

For federal employees and U.S. Postal workers who have a medical illness that hinders them from doing one or more of the main tasks related to their job, learning for a lifetime is a crucial task to do. You must focus on learning about your medical condition and the steps necessary t…

Limit of IRS Annual Deferral and Changes in Thrift Saving Plans, 2023

There are changes made in the limitation of the IRS. Therefore, it has become mandatory to contribute annually to the

FERs OPM Medical Retirement Short Memories

Are you a government employee with a disability…

Employers are Moving Retirees to Medicare Benefits: Why Is It So?

In the ongoing situations, people are much worried about their health and, ultimately, their life. All around the world, life has become fast and increasing death ratios. Hence, everyone wants to have a good life and leave after they die so their family can live a better life. Also, in case of m…

What effects does living abroad have on my FEHB plan?

Federal Times publishes daily “Ask the Expert” columns. The following is a reader question regarding retirement and other concerns affecting the federal worker that was sent to Federal Times. Reg Jones, a founding member of the senior executive service and a colu…