The least-used option for withdrawals from a Thrift Savings Plan is annuities, although payments …
Fed Retirees Have It Better With Inflation-Indexed FERS Annuity
Inflation is the No. 1 concern for employees approaching retirement, according to a recent survey by Schwab Workplace Financial Services®. After inflation, which was cited by 45% of those polled, employees were also concerned about keeping up with monthly payments (35%) and stock market vo…
Exceptions to the 10 Percent Early Withdrawal Penalty
Recently, we explored the history of the 10% early withdrawal penalty and its implications for IRAs and other employer-sponsored defined contribution plans (such as the
What If Your Retirement Savings Aren’t Enough?
After retirement, what if you discover that your retirement income won’t be sufficient to maintain your pre-retirement lifestyle? Many financial advisors recommend aiming for 80% of your pre-retirement income when you…
3 Strategies for Federal Employees Planning to Retire in the Next 10 Years
Thousands of federal employees retire each and every year, a …
Using Your TSP for Regular Income
Making regular contributions to your