Tag: Retirement for Federal Employees

How Retirees Are Stretching Their TSP Dollars Further Than Ever

Key Takeaways:
Retirees are employing creative financial strategies to maximize their Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) savings, helping them maintain a secure and …

How to Plan for Long-Term Care as a CSRS Retiree

Key Takeaways:
Long-term care planning is essential for CSRS retirees to ensure financial stability and access to necessary care.E…

Surprised by the Windfall Elimination Provision? Here’s How It Could Affect Your Benefits

Key Takeaways:
The Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) can significantly reduce Social Security benefits for public sector employe…

The FEGLI Dilemma: Keep It, Drop It, or Replace It? Here’s What You Need to Know

Key Takeaways:
Federal employees have multiple options when it comes to life insurance, but understanding the intricacies of the Federal Employees’ Group L…

What Every Federal Employee Needs to Do Before They Retire: Your Checklist for Success

Key Takeaways:
Federal employees should start planning their retirement early to ensure financial security and maximize benefits.Understanding health coverage, retirement benefits, and required documentation is crucial for a smooth t…

What are the Basic Structures of CSRS and FERS?

Key Takeaways:
The Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS) and the Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS) are the two main retirement systems for federal employees, each with unique structures and benefits.Understanding the core e…