Social Security and
3 Strategies for Federal Employees Planning to Retire in the Next 10 Years
Thousands of federal employees retire each and every year, a …
Making and Maintaining an Emergency Fund in Retirement
Your annuity money will start coming once you retire, and even when the annuity begins, it won’t be as l…
Medicare 2023: Major Changes That could Help Seniors With High Drug Cost
More than half of the 50 million Americans who rely on Medicare f…
A Look at the Final 1 to 3 Years of Your Retirement
The final years of retirement are filled with excitement and anticipation, much like the last lap of a race. However, during such a crucial time, you have to be careful to achieve your retirement goals in their entirety. Keeping your eyes on the plan can prevent the anticipation and excitement f…
Retirement health insurance issues
This article examines the story of Bob, a recent retiree. It looks at his pre-retirement experiences, application for the procedural retirement path, and his options for heal…