Tag: Federal Retirement Advice

FEHB changes are permitted outside of Open Season because of life events

Most Federal Employees Health Benefits program enrollment changes occur during the yearly open season, althou…

What Will Be The Impact Of A High COLA Increase?

Millions of active and retired federal employees care about the size of the federal pay raise, inflation, and Cost-Of-Living Adjustme…

The White House has formalized a 4.6% pay increase for federal employees in 2023

In a letter addressed to congressional leaders on Wednesday, the White House publicly revealed intentions to give civilian government employees a 4.6% pay boost in 2023.

The 4.6% increase is the same amount recommended by the Whit…

If You’re A Lifer, Here’s How to Combine FERS With Your TSP

Working for and retiring from the government used to be a piece of cake. Sort of.

FERS Retirement: Turning 62 is a Financial Celebration

What is the magic retirement age for government employees? A federal career is packed with milestones. Everyone fears getting older, but turning 62 in the federal government may be a financial celebration. That doesn’t apply …

Election for TSP Contributions: What’s in a Name?

What’s in a name? Juliet Capulet asks in Act 2, Scene 2 of William Shakespeare’s play Romeo and Juliet. What we call a rose would still smell as good as any other name. Act 1 of the TSP’s newest comedy, The Latest