Tag: Federal Employee Benefits

FERS OPM Medical Retirement The True Reconsideration

OPM handles the US government’s civilian workers. They manage health insurance,

Social Security cost-of-living adjustment will be 8.7% in 2023, highest increase in 40 years

An independent seniors’ group, t…

FERS OPM Medical Retirement – The Zigzagging Life

Certain medical conditions and health issues develop with age and limit the efficiency of a person’s working ability. Such medical conditions are common for many federal employees, forcing them to live a zigzagging life working daily with critical disabilities and medical issues. The…

Understanding the FERS Annuity Supplement

The special retirement supplement, often referred to as the annuity supplement, is one of the perks of retirement that could be better understood. Many retirees and those getting close to retirement have heard of it, but they know very little about it.

Protecting Retirement Portfolios In A Bear Market

Many investors putting money away for retirement are on edge due to the recent market slump and are pondering whether or not they should alter their investing plan and, if so. No matter what stage of the game an investor is in, you must pay attention to the bear …