According to the LIMRA pool, the capacity of a product to generate income is the primary consideration for consumers when deciding to invest in an annuity. Fees play a relatively minor influence in this choice. This year, sales of
How Are Survivor Benefits Calculated?
Even if you didn’t choose a survivor annuity for your spouse when you retired, the federal government would pay a survivor annuity to your children if they are the surviving dependents of a deceased federal employee or retiree. To be considered a dependent, your child must be under the ag…
How to Ease Tax Burden on Mutual Funds
Investing in multiple places is an excellent way to generate income…
Thinking About Unretiring? Make Sure You Don’t Make These Three Social Security Mistakes
Due to growing prices and the COVID-19 pandemic, retired Americans are feeling pressured to return to work. However, returning to work while receiving
The Fall of Medicare Part B Premium 2023; What You Should Know
Greed and Your TSP
What role does greed play in investing for the future? How much is enough? And what risks should you accept or avoid to achieve your financial objectives? So, how much is enough? It’s a simple question but a tricky answer. Enough varies on who asks, who is asked, and what the subject is. Is it y…