Tag: Bedrock Investment Advisors

The Top Five Mistakes You Can Make While Buying Life Insurance.

You already know that having adequate insurance coverage is a crucial tenet of personal finance and offers much-needed security for people who depend on you. You don’t need to be told this if you’re in the market for

Fees: An Important Minor Role In Annuity Buying Decisions

According to the LIMRA pool, the capacity of a product to generate income is the primary consideration for consumers when deciding to invest in an annuity. Fees play a relatively minor influence in this choice. This year, sales of

How Are Survivor Benefits Calculated?

Even if you didn’t choose a survivor annuity for your spouse when you retired, the federal government would pay a survivor annuity to your children if they are the surviving dependents of a deceased federal employee or retiree. To be considered a dependent, your child must be under the ag…