Category: Marvin Dutton


Breaking Down FEGLI Premiums: How Much Will It Cost You?

Key Takeaways:
FEGLI premiums vary based on the type of coverage, ag…

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How to Handle FEHB Coverage During and After Divorce

Key Takeaways:
Understanding FEHB eligibility and coverage rules is crucial for managing health insurance during and after di…

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How Does Federal Service Years Affect Your CSRS Retirement

Key Takeaways:
The number of federal service years significantly impacts the calculation of your CSRS annuity.Understanding how credi…

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Making the Switch: How to Convert FEGLI to an Individual Life Insurance Plan

Key Takeaways:
Converting FEGLI to an individual policy offers greater flexibility and potentially better coverage.

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FEGLI Enrollment Periods: When and How to Enroll

Key Takeaways:
Understanding FEGLI enrollment periods and eligibility …

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What Does Long-Term Care Planning for Federal Retirees Look Like?

Key Takeaways:
Understanding potential long-term care needs and exploring insurance options is essential for federal retirees….

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