Category: Federal Employee


Roller coaster vs. merry-go-round TSP investors

If you have been a

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Fed Retirees Have It Better With Inflation-Indexed FERS Annuity

Inflation is the No. 1 concern for employees approaching retirement, according to a recent survey by Schwab Workplace Financial Services®. After inflation, which was cited by 45% of those polled, employees were also concerned about keeping up with monthly payments (35%) and stock market vo…

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Changes of FEHB are Allowed Outside due to Open Season of Life Events

There is a season when maximum changes are made to the …

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Should you claim your social security benefits right now or wait?

When to apply for benefits is a life-altering choice. Whether you plan to retire soon or have already done so, you’ll need to decide on your

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Consider Your Options Before Declining FEHB Insurance Late in Your Career.

Many employees at a later stage of their careers are considering leaving the Federal Employees’ Health Benefits program in favor of other insurance due to the annual increase…

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Military Service Counts Towards Federal Retirement

Your employing agency is frequently required to collect any deposits made to them to receive military service credit before retirement. Owing to the procedural time needed, it is advisable to make arrangements well ahead of retirement. 

Ask your agency how long i…

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