Category: Federal Employee Retirement


Fighting the Refusal of an FEHB Claim

You might have seen a time when you got into a dreadful quarrel over your health benefits plan. You wanted medical procedure coverage in the plan, and it was not there for your need. Fortunately, there is a method that would resolve such disagreements. If you disagree with your plan’s decision, …

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Why IS There CSRS and FERS, and How Do They Differ?

The Civil Service Reti…

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First Responder Retirement Fix Passes the House and Others

A measure to change the retirement program for federal first responders who sustain injuries while on duty and who must seek out new employment inside the federal government …

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How Social Security Disability Benefits Link with Medicare

A health insurance policy is essential if you have a disability. The fortunate thing is that you become qualified for

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How Coordination of Benefits May Impact FEHB Enrollees

According to the standard coordination of benefits rules established by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners, or NAIC, the Federal Employees Health B…

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The Earnings Limit for Disability Retirement

If you’re 60 or older, there are no restrictions on the amount of money you can make while receiving disability retirement. If you’re under the age of 60,  you can receive income from work as well as disability retirement benefits. Still, your disability annuity will be terminated if

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