Category: Federal Employee Benefits


The Best Ways to Use Your FERS Pension

The federal government has a three-legged chair for pension payments. 

The Basic Benefit Plan is often known as the federal pension plan, the

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10 Strategies for Federal Employees Planning to Retire Before 2030

The COVID-19 pandemic began in March 2020, and since then, hundreds of federal workers have retired. Over the next eight years, many more eligible employees plan to retire. The following list of 5 tips can assist workers who want to retire in the next eight years in getting ready for thei…

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Survivor Benefits May Be Payable Both Upon and After a Death in Service

While continuing payments to survivors upon the death of a retiree receive the majority of attention, survivorship benefits are also available if a current employee passes away. However, there are several additional eligibility requirements.

Your spouse would be eligi…

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Why You Should Invest in the TSP

“I have kids in college, so I can’t give more to the TSP.” Advocates for federal workers to save for retirement have heard t…

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Inflation break out in 2022: predicting 2023 COLA?

The current inflation will not be “temporary,” as published some months ago, but rather a way of lessening anxiety among Americans. In 2022, inflation is rising drastically. It will likely affect the 2023

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Do Government employees ought to purchase private life insurance?

As a government worker, you should know the benefits and factors of the federal employee’s group

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