The FEGLI Program for Federal Employees
The Federal Employees’ Group Life Insurance Program stands out among the four government-funded insurance programs for federal employees. The reason is that, unless they choose to do otherwise, some coverage is provided automatically when an employee is hired. Unlike health insurance, vision and…

Three Social Security Planning Techniques for a Great Retirement
Do you envision retiring with plenty of money and never having to worry about making ends meet?

Getting Credit for Active Duty Service – Planning Ahead
Military service may be utilized to boost your years of service and may allow you to retire sooner – and with a larger annuity – than if you relied just o…

Retirement Income Planning a Priority for Clients
Retirement planning involves establishing and analyzing the steps and choices required to achieve the desir…

Ten Mistakes That Could Jeopardize Your Retirement
It’s difficult enough to pursue your retirement goals without making specific, frequent, and easily avoidable errors. Here are nine significant mistakes to avoid, if at all possible.
1. No Strategy